PRIMER - HD Video 00’25’’, 2023

For most known history of human life on Earth, it seemed as if the species had played a rather insignificant role in major developments and events in the atmosphere. Spirits and gods were imagined to be rulers over the weather, climatic periods and extremes – droughts, floods, heat waves, ice ages. This self-perception of humans in a rather passive position has changed with modernity and is even more radically changing via scientific discoveries about 'man-made' climate change. Circumstances have emerged in which existential questions must be asked differently. It is still the eternal: Who are we? But with an impending priority also the question of: What is our significance and what is our true purpose on this planet? In the face of urgency, also new questions arise; questions about rescue plans, such as geo-engineering and, for those who can afford it, speculations about leaving the planet.

As an ongoing mini-series BALANCEGAIA [Balance-Gaia] takes up the theme of Gaia, the ancient greek goddess of Earth, and more specifically as used in the 'Gaia Concept' introduced by scientist James Lovelock – continued and philosophically elaborated on by Bruno Latour. An approach that seeks to reinterpret the [western] understanding of the earth as a living being, a complex, self-regulating system. A system in which humans have taken on a dominant and influential role, and thus, have responsibility for its balance.

This series formally adapts and imitates short – and ultra short – clips, such as those used in fashion or brand communication to provoke further contemplation and stimulate deeper reflection.

Criticism of these specified concepts and positions will be expressed and current questions about global climate justice and the delegation of responsibility will be addressed.

BALANCEGAIA, Balance Gaia, Stee Van Stark
BALANCEGAIA, Balance Gaia, Stee Van Stark
BALANCEGAIA, Balance Gaia, Stee Van Stark

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to persons living or dead and to global brand names and corporate identities is purely coincidental